In addition to establishing an enduring legacy for the donor, endowments provide a lasting and reliable source of support for the Department of Ophthalmology. We are honored to recognize many generous supporters who have invested in vision science research, patient care, and training. Endowments listed are those fully vested as of January 1, 2024.
Ora Lee Anderson Endowed Ophthalmology Fund
Gordon and Joan Bergy Endowed Professorship in Ophthalmology
Frank and Elizabeth Bret Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology Research
Boyd K. Bucey Memorial Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
John Colen M.D. Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology
Alice Dillinger Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
Endowed Fellowship in Ocular Inflammatory Diseases
Dr. Melvin I. and Nanette D. Freeman Endowed Fund in Ophthalmology
Sidney Futterman Endowment
James L. Hargiss Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
James Hargiss, M.D., Endowed Fund in Ophthalmology
Edyth W. Henderson Endowment
Grace E. Hill Chair in Vision Research
Ray H. Hill Chair in Ophthalmology
Patricia Johnson Hunt Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology
C. Dan and Irene Hunter Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology
Roger H. Johnson Award for Macular Degeneration Research
Murray and Jeanie Johnstone Endowed Travel Award for Ophthalmology
Robert and Janet Kalina Endowed Fund for Research and Teaching in Ophthalmology
Robert and Janet Kalina Fund for Education in Ophthalmology
Robert E. Kalina, M.D., Endowed Professorship for Ophthalmology Education
Karalis Johnson Retina Center Endowed Fund for Excellence
James L. Kinyoun, M.D. Endowed Retina Fellowship
Klorfine Family Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Research
Thomas F. Kraft and Suzanne E. Stevens Endowed Fund for Vision Science
George and Martina Kren Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Research
George and Martina Kren Endowed Professorship in Vision Research
Latham Endowed Faculty Fellowship for Vision Science Research Innovation
D. Franklin Milam, M.D., Endowed Fellows Support Fund in Ophthalmology
Carolyn and Roger Miller Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology
Richard S. Munsen, M.D., Endowed Fund for Ophthalmology
Helen L. and Arthur T. Ness Research Fund
Ophthalmology Endowed Fund
Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Ophthalmology
Rayment Endowed Fellowship in Ophthalmology
Helen A. & Robert Max Reynolds Endowed Research Fund in Ophthalmology
Rose Seaquist Endowed Fund
Graham and Brenda Siddall Endowed Chair in Cornea Research
Siddall Endowed Fellowship for Uveitis Research
Steen/Musgrave Research Fund in Ophthalmology
Jules and Doris Stein Research to Prevent Blindness Professorship
Tenckhoff Family Endowed Research and Teaching Fund
Helen Ann Thompson Endowed Fund for the UW Eye Institute
University of Washington Department of Ophthalmology Outstanding Medical Student Scholarship
University of Washington Ophthalmology Resident Research Award
We are honored to receive support through named current-use funds including:
Bishop Foundation Professor in Ophthalmology
Computational Ophthalmology Research
Dawn’s Light Term Fund for IRD Research
Alice Dillinger Research Fund to Prevent Blindness
Eye Institute Gifts Fund
Gensheimer Fellow in Ocular Inflammatory Diseases
Glaucoma Research Fund
Indigo Fund for Vision Research
Jassny Fund for Vision Science Research
Latham Fund for Vision Research
Mark J. Daily M.D. Fund for Ophthalmology Research
Ron Peck Family Fund for Vision Research
Robert M. Sinskey M.D. Foundation Research Gift
Tietze Family Vision Research Award
Violet Sees Fund
To learn more about establishing an endowment at UW Medicine, please visit: http://depts.washington.edu/givemed